Question of the Week: Senior Memories

Many Bluefield University seniors will be graduating in May, taking with them a long list of memories of their time at BU. We asked a few graduating seniors, “What is your favorite memory of BU?”.
Camila Coradi, Business: Information TechnologyMy favorite memory was my sophomore year on Mud Pig Day. They had helicopter rides, and it was my first time in a helicopter. I’m so happy Bluefield could provide this amazing opportunity.
Andrea Stinson, Sports Communication
My most memorable moment is after 30 years of not being in a classroom, I was excited about being in a classroom with other students sharing knowledge. I was nervous at first but became very comfortable with talking and sharing my thoughts. Being in the classroom with young students helped me realize how much the generations are different. I have learned a lot from the students and their tech ways.
Isaiah Rife, NursingMy favorite memory from Bluefield University is leading a mission trip to Quito, Ecuador. The team and I got to serve at For His Children ministries and give the Tias, who are the children’s care workers, a Mother’s Day celebration at both the Quito and Latacunga campuses. I created memories and relationships that will last a lifetime.
Abigail McComas, English and Theatre
One of my favorite memories of BU is the trip to Camp Eagle my sophomore year of college. From going down a slide into a freezing cold pond to zip-lining through the trees, I made so many amazing memories with my friends.
Nathan LePere, Graphic Communication and Digital Marketing
A favorite memory of mine is throwing a ball around after dark at an end-of-season cookout for the Marching Band. Somehow no one got hit in the face.
Jewels Gray, Digital Marketing and Graphic Design
My favorite memory of BU is when BSA (Black Student Alliance) traveled to the Black and Cultural Arts Museum in North Carolina following the kneeling incident. The museum was very interesting and informative in the history of the African American race as a whole, but it specialized in our history pertaining to forced conditions in America. The opportunity to learn more about the Black Culture and its history along with other students was wonderful.