Question of the Week: What did you do during Spring Break?

Bluefield University students recently returned from Spring Break, and The Rampage wanted to know how they spent their time away from school. Here is what some students had to say.
Abigail Gasperson, Graphic Communication, 2025
Over Spring Break, I celebrated my birthday and wrote an eight-page research paper.
Taylor Southerland, Exercise and Sport Science, 2022
I went home to see my family, and I got to go trout fishing with my fiancé.
Andrew LaPan, Sports Communication, 2025
I went home and played disc golf with a few friends. I also went and watched some basketball with a few friends.
Adrianah Grejeda, Mathematics, 2022
I stayed in Bluefield and made the most out of it. The alone time was needed. I hung out with my friends that also stayed and had fun with them.
Katharina Zausek, Business, 2022
I made graphic designs for football, read, painted, and went to Blacksburg to shop. I also had a tennis match on the weekend (and) went to the gym and applied for jobs.