Question of the Week: Thanksgiving Traditions

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, we thought we’d ask Bluefield University students about their favorite Thanksgiving traditions. What do you enjoy about Thanksgiving? What’s your favorite tradition or most unforgettable memory? Here’s what they had to say.
Latravious Johnson , Sports Management, 2024
“Spending time with my family, and my favorite food is my family’s turkey.”
Sarah Alexiou, Biology, 2022
“My favorite tradition that my family does is we get together with extended family, and we drink wine and cook. Literally all day we make at least five different kinds of pies, cookies and brownies. We have a lot of Greek side dishes to go with our turkey, but we also have the traditional mashed potatoes, stuffing and what not. I think my favorite Thanksgiving food would have to be mac ‘n’ cheese.”
Cortarius Gilmore , Undecided, 2025
“Spending time with my family, and my favorite food would be the mac ‘n’ cheese.”
Elizabeth Roberts, Sports Medicine, 2024
“My favorite tradition is eating food and spending time with family. And I enjoy getting a break from school.”
Dustin Barker, Business Administration, 2022
“Watching football with my family is my favorite tradition, and my favorite food is the stuffing.”