Question of the Week: How Do Students Feel about the New iPads and ebooks?

Coming into the new academic year, students received new iPads that they will not only use for their studies, but also get to keep after graduation. Loaded onto the iPads are electronic textbooks to ensure students would have access to their books for classes. This is a big transition, so we asked students what they thought about the iPads and ebooks.
Jessica Street, Business Administration, 2022
I feel like they are a great addition for acedemic success, but I think that hard-copy books should have been made available to students who wanted them. However, I do appreciate the unlimited access to our online books and other resources.
Adrianah Grejeda , Mathematics, 2022
I think the iPad’s are good to have for notes and stuff. It’s very convenient. The ebooks are a hassle because many people prefer physical textbooks.
Joe Haner, Business Administration, 2022
I like the iPads and the fact that I don’t have to carry all my books around anymore.
Jamaury Starks, Education, 2025
I love it because it makes everything so much easier for me and keeps everything much more organized.
Georgia Lewis, Criminal Justice, 2025
I think it’s really great that everyone gets an iPad. It makes classwork a lot easier, and not having to carry around a bunch of textbooks is great.