BC to Give iPads to Students

As courses at Bluefield College implement new technologies, Campus Leadership is working to ensure each student has equal access to its classroom experience. In fact, as part of one of the latest initiatives, the college is working with Apple to provide each traditional student with an iPad in the near future.
“Each student will receive the iPad Air 4; it will be their iPad upon graduating from BC,” said Dr. Marshall Flowers, vice president for Academic Affairs.
This initiative will have somewhat of an impact on tuition and fees.
“While tuition increases occur each year due to inflationary factors in the purchase of materials and services, there will be an additional, slight increase for the purchase of the iPads,” President David Olive said.
However, there is a wide range of potential benefits associated with the purchase.
“What makes this new strategic goal a ‘game changer’ for BC students is that all will have the same equipment for accessing classroom technology,” Dr. Flowers explained, “including livestream and lecture capture sessions, eTextbooks, and the new online learning platform, Canvas.”
Currently, most students use their own hardware, causing experiences with remote learning to vary. These variations “can be hurtful to their performance,” said Olivia Jackson, an English education student.
“With everyone, faculty and students, having the same technology, we can create a technology environment that will make it easier for everyone to present and exchange information and files,” Dr. Olive said. “Connectivity and collaboration between professors and their students will also be enhanced with the shared platform.”
As remote participation and online assignments become more prominent in Bluefield College courses, several members of the campus community appreciate this new iPad initiative.
“I know that transitioning from online to in-person can be strenuous at times and this kind of technology would be very beneficial,” said Evan Matlick, a BC business major.
“If someone doesn’t have a laptop, and they are required to be online to do certain assignments, having an iPad would be a big help for that student,” added Kaleb Hurd, another business major. “Also, it would be better than using your phone since an iPad is bigger.”
Bluefield College professors are training to effectively incorporate iPadOS devices into their classes.
“Over 35 faculty and administrative personnel have now received the new iPad Air and are engaging in Apple Professional Learning sessions for effective use of the iPad in the classroom,” Dr. Flowers said. “Students will have access to Apple training resources and personnel. Interestingly, the college will be looking for student users who are comfortable in using the iPad and employ them as ‘tutors’ in the use of the iPad.”