RAs on the Front Line of the Pandemic at BC

There’s no doubt that life and the way we do things has drastically changed in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Even the way we work has changed, especially for those who care for or oversee others, and that’s no different for the Bluefield College residential staff who serve on the front line with all BC students, including those in isolation and quarantine from COVID-19 .
Jess Smith, a resident hall director, said she’s doing more than normal in her work now that she’s taking on added duties related to the pandemic.
“The main task that has been added to my role during the pandemic is to oversee students going into isolation,” Smith said. “After a student is asked to go into isolation, I make sure they have a place to be housed that meets our protocol.”
Another job Smith has is to oversee the COVID spreadsheets to make sure they are up to date with where people are located so that members of the staff know where to go to provide support for the students. She also spoke about the need for the residence life staff to seek their own support.
“We encourage them to have weekly one-on-ones with their RDs (resident directors),” Smith said, “and a part of their job description is to meet with Emily (Cook) from the Wellness Center at least once a semester. We actually encourage them to go more often.”
Francisco Vasquez is a resident assistant (RA) in Cruise Hall. He’s been delivering meals to students in isolation and quarantine. A sophomore on the wrestling team, Vasquez said he also just checks in on those students from time to time just to make sure they are doing okay.
“We are living in a time of uncertainty and we want to make sure our residents are feeling safe on campus,” Vasquez said, which he added is not always easy.
“Most of the time we can’t go to our resident’s rooms to hang out with them because of fear of COVID spreading,” Vasquez said. “This makes our interaction virtual and not very personal, but we are trying our best to make the best of it.”
Terrell Boston, an RA in Cruise Hall, spoke about some of the challenges of serving students in isolation and quarantine.
“The mail and meal deliveries for the students are difficult, especially when there are a lot of students in quarantine,” Boston said. “Even though there are other RAs, it is still difficult when there are classes they have to attend and work to do.”
Boston also spoke about the residence life staff’s efforts to prevent the spread of the virus. He said the number one priority is cleanliness in the residence halls.
“We have to take extra precautions to ensure no one contracts the virus and causes a massive outbreak,” he said.