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Can We Park Anywhere Nowadays?

Communication • 2021

There’s a pretty big student concern going around that’s bigger than the Science Center being flooded and the SAC taking months after school started to be completed. Parking tickets.

Students already pay tuition to go to this school, but we can only park in specific places. It seems that what security cares about most is writing tickets. That’s weird.

First off, the ticket slip has fines that are crossed out and have larger fines written. Why not just print out the new tickets? Or a better idea: get rid of parking tickets?

I don’t understand why any school, college, or university would try to get more money out of students, especially when they know we are broke college students.

But the crazy part about this is when students get a ticket and we want to try to do community service for it; we’re given crazy hours that we cannot complete.

I remember when I received a ticket, and being the good person I am, I decided to see if I could do community service for it. I was told that the hours of my community service correlated with minimum wage, which is $7.50 per hour. That means it would only take about $14 off my ticket. It seems as if they really want money for the tickets.

Second, the number of tickets students get is outstanding and very disappointing on security and administration. If they want to “try” to have a good relationship with students, this isn’t the way to go.

When there are events on campus that include vocatio credit, maybe they should also include it to expunge your last ticket. But that’s just an idea. If a student gets a ticket, stop making it hard on us if we want to get rid of it. It’s not like we were going to pay it anyway.


  1. I think there should be more tickets at higher fines to dissuade students from parking in places not assigned to them. Too often I find a resident parked in a commuter space, and I am forced to park elsewhere. Even when I had a green/employee sticker, I would find both residents and commuters taking up those spaces.

  2. Exactly! And I feel that tickets are not given fairly.
    I am commuter and I received a ticket for being parked in a resident space in front of Rish Hall. In that same parking lot, over half the commuter spaces were taken by residents and they had no tickets on their windshield.
    I did not even know that you could do community service for them. Is this posted?
    I support having no designated spaces apart from handicapped! It’s not even that big of a campus, so it shouldn’t matter.

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