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Campus Safety Now More Accessible in New Location

Communication • 2022

Students looking for Campus Safety can now find that office and those services in a much more accessible, visible location.

The Campus Safety office has been moved from Faculty Row on the back side of campus to a new location on the first floor of Cruise Hall, a more central facility on campus. It has been four months since Gary Ruth, head of Campus Safety, moved his team into Cruise – a change he said made lots of sense. 

“The mindset behind moving Campus Safety to Cruise Hall was to have Campus Safety in a more centralized location on campus,” Ruth said, “to be more visible and more accessible to the students.”

So far, the move for Campus Safety has been seamless, added Ruth. However, he noted, it is still too early to tell if the move will make an impact on incidents.

“I believe the students see the move as a positive change,” he said. Cruise Hall resident Jordan Boone agreed.

“I don’t even notice that Campus Safety is here,” said Boone. “I only notice them when I am walking by to go to my room. Relationships are getting stronger, because they are basically living with us.”

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