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Students Eager for Opening of New SAC

Graphic Communication • 2020

The start of the 2019-2020 academic year at Bluefield College came with a lot of new plans from the administration to improve the student life experience.

“We have plans for a bold, new BC student experience for this upcoming year,” said Josh Arnold, associate vice president for student development. “You spoke up, and we heard you. Our team has been diligently preparing for this fall to be your best semester yet at Bluefield College.”

From new laundry machines in the residence halls to the introduction of new mental health services, students have been eager to take advantage of these new improvements, but none more anticipated than the renovations to the Student Activities Center (SAC) in Shott Hall.

However, delays in the construction process have pushed back the opening of the new SAC. According to BC leaders, projects have taken a little longer than expected. And, thanks to a gift from Valley Food Services the school was able to expand the scope of the project by completely redoing the coffeeshop area, which added more time to the renovations.

“I feel like it’s taking way too long,” said BC senior Logan Hinnant.

While students had hoped to have use of the new SAC at the start of the year, the adjusted date for the opening has been moved to October 1.

“I’m mad, because I like Starbucks,” said senior Tyrice Henry about the new timeline for the opening of the SAC.

The administration wants to assure students that the new renovations are more than worth the wait. The school has partnered with a professional design firm, Yesterday Restored, to help reimagine the new SAC and make it unlike anything else on campus. The new space will be more modern with an eye toward creating “instagrammable moments.”

Students will see a new layout in the SAC. The drop ceiling has been removed, along with the superfluous doors, in order to create more space. The dividing wall for the coffeeshop has also been relocated to add space to that area of the SAC.

“We are working diligently to create a space that (students) will love,” Arnold said, “and to help them feel like this is home.”

In addition, all the furniture in the SAC will be replaced and rearranged to encourage socialization. The pool and ping-pong tables have been relocated to the Herb Sims Wellness Center, but BC administrators say the new SAC will offer other recreational activities in place of pool and ping-pong.

Other specifics are being kept under wraps what exactly will be in the new SAC under wraps so that students will be surprised by some of the changes.

“We appreciate your patience as we diligently work to renovate the Student Activities Center,” Arnold said, “to completely transform the aesthetic and function of the SAC. It will be worth the wait.”

To accommodate students while the SAC is closed for renovations, the Science Center first floor will be open until 2 a.m. each evening as a gathering and study space for students.

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