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BC Student Government Plans Open Forums for Students

Communication • 2021

Bluefield College’s Student Government Association (SGA) recently met to discuss ideas to improve the relationships between BC students and the administration.

The SGA meets every Tuesday from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. inside the third floor lyceum in the Science Center to explore ideas, create events, and listen to students’ concerns. In recent meetings they have developed the idea of a town hall-style forum to allow students the opportunity to share their thoughts and concerns with SGA and members of the administration.

Josh Arnold, vice president of student development; Jess Smith, director of residence life; and Anne Pelchar, director of student engagement, will represent the administration at the meetings, the first of which will take place on Friday, September 27 from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Science Center Lyceum. Free food and drinks will be available.

The SGA is also searching for a secretary and more senate members. They are still taking applications as part of the search with the hope of getting a more diverse group of applicants who represent more aspects of the college. 

SGA President Aynae Simmons said she is also looking to create a Ram Pep Club to support all student-athletes at their games. The club, she said, would be open to both student-athletes and non-athletes. Students, she added, will be receiving an informational email in the near future about how to join. 

Students with questions or concerns for the SGA should email or submit comments, questions or opinions through The Rampage website.

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