Let’s Go Green at Bluefield College

Bluefield College is constantly improving its campus community. One thing I feel that our campus can do to improve is go green. Going green means making changes to reduce our waste, save water, and many other things that can help the environment. Our campus has already taken some steps in going green by providing recycle bins and water stations, but I feel that we can do more.
Whether we realize it or not our environment is changing. Resources are diminishing and our climate is changing. Wouldn’t it be nice to be a part of a movement to help save our planet?
There are big things we can do from adding solar panels, water barrels, a compost, and having our own community garden. There are also ways of educating by adding environment and agricultural courses that emphasize sustainability. These ideas are just not realistic for our campus at the moment as they take a lot of money, time, and effort.
Right now there are tons of little ways we can cut back:
- Post information and advertise events on our new app instead of using flyers.
- Use reusable bottles and cups at the kiosk, cafeteria, and in general.
- Use less one-use products in dorms, save money and use dishes.
- Car pool as much as possible or rent out one of the bikes available from Student Development.
- Submit assignments online as much as you possibly can.
- Use reusable bags when grocery shopping.
- Donate any food you don’t want or won’t use to your neighbor or a shelter.
- When you do use one-use products, recycle.
As college students it can be hard to initiate these changes, but with a little effort we can do it. Maybe in the near future we will see a greater change in the environment at Bluefield College and see more students active in making a change.