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Commuters Encouraged to Get Involved on Campus

Graphic Communication • 2020

Bluefield College has an increasing number of students commuting this year compared to previous years. Of the approximately 500 traditional students on campus, about half are commuters.

As the number of commuters begins to increase, the effort to encourage their participation in campus events and activities also increases. Anne Pelchar, director of student engagement, along with other staff members in Student Development, are implementing strategies to help off campus students become more involved.

“Commuters can become more involved on campus by joining clubs, doing sports and participating in activities,” said Pelchar. “It is important for (commuter) students to make connections while being on campus.”

There are many activities in which students can take part, said Pelchar. One particular activity in which she encourages commuters to participate is Fun Day Monday. Fun Day Mondays are in the evening and typically last several hours in order to accommodate commuters and enable them to be more involved.

Pelchar added that the Student Development staff helps promote student involvement by increasing awareness of events and activities on campus. In fact, the college is creating an app to help students become more aware and more engaged in campus events. Pelchar also said that she feels that students are more successful if they are involved.

“Doing extracurricular activities can benefit students in the future,” said Pelchar, “and help them learn better time management skills and become more efficient.”

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