Photograph provided by Rampage student photographer Malique Gordon. As Bluefield University nears the end of another spring semester, the Music Department is staying busy and has planned performances for the entire month of April. From start to finish, the Music Department is running a tight ship and needs all hands on deck for the foreseeable […]
Photo courtesy of Gabriel Delvalle Dr. Andrew Necessary has been part of Bluefield University for the past five years. He has served not only as head of the Bluefield University music department but also as the director for the BU Ram Band, concert bands, and jazz ensembles. Dr. Necessary grew up in Tazewell County, Virginia, […]
Bluefield University recently welcomed Dr. Jermey and Melissa Yowell full time to the BU Music Department. The two have stepped up and quickly steered the department back on track with big plans to strengthen and grow the music and art scene on campus and in the community. The hiring of the Yowells full time comes […]