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A Month of Music

Graphic Communications • 2028

Photograph provided by Rampage student photographer Malique Gordon.

As Bluefield University nears the end of another spring semester, the Music Department is staying busy and has planned performances for the entire month of April. From start to finish, the Music Department is running a tight ship and needs all hands on deck for the foreseeable future. From concerts to recitals, the Music Department has plans to deliver a month full of music to the campus community and the public at-large.

Starting the month, the Bluefield University Jazz Ensemble will perform April 8 at 7:30 p.m. in Harman Chapel. This show has been planned since March with revisions to the set list. The Jazz Ensemble will perform tunes from an assortment of different styles and genres that Dr. Andrew Necessary, head of the instrumental music program, described as “jazz not the way you thought it would be.”

One week later, the BU Concert Band will perform at 7:30 p.m. on April 15 in Harman Chapel. The Concert Band will perform a selection of tunes and marches. The band has been working since the beginning of the semester and has been continuing to prepare each week to make a bigger and better concert. Music education student Alex Wilder promises “never a dull moment” in this Concert Band performance.

If you thought you heard the last of the Jazz Ensemble, you would be mistaken. The Jazz Ensemble will be playing at the reception for the debut of the 2025 Bluestone Review on April 22 at 7 p.m. in the Science Center Lyceum. This will be the Jazz Ensemble’s second appearance at The Bluestone Review reception, providing a relaxed atmosphere in between readings from Bluestone contributors.

If you’re looking for something more vocal, then stop by Harman Chapel on April 26 at 7 p.m. for the Bluefield University Masterworks Choir. Despite the busy schedule, the choir has been holding practices weekly and gearing up to deliver a performance to students, faculty and staff and the Greater Bluefield community.

A day later on April 27 at 3 p.m, BU senior Ashton Bucklen will be performing his senior recital. He will demonstrate the skills and talents he has cultivated during his studies with a performance at Harman Chapel. During his time at BU, Bucklen has played many roles, including membership in the BU Marching Ram Band, drum line, Jazz Ensemble, and Concert Band. Bucklen has been a respected member of not just the Music Department, but the Education Department, as well. After college, he plans to spread his love of music to the next generation as a music educator and director.

“Come out and watch me stunt,” Bucklen said about his upcoming senior recital.

Wrapping up the musical month of April will be BU student Blake Carter’s junior recital. Carter has been majoring in piano at BU and has been part of many of the Music Department’s productions, including the BU Marching Band, drum line, Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band, and accompanist for the Music Department choirs. Carter’s junior recital will be on April 29 in Harman Chapel.

“I have had more time this semester to buckle down and practice more effectively,” Carter said about preparing for his junior recital. “I am feeling more confident in my musicality. My concert will be a nice assortment of music that spans from the Baroque to the Contemporary era. I invite (Rampage) readers to come and see it. All are welcome.”

The BU Music Department is always busy and looking for ways to bring music to the BU community. The month of April is not the only month with planned music events. BU students can also keep a look out for upcoming music events planned for May.

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