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Are You in Pursuit?

Communications • 2028

Among the several new Bible studies on campus, the women’s Pursuit Bible study, led by Kristin Parker, director of athletic communications, is gearing up. Focused on “creating a safe space where women can encourage and uplift one another,” Pursuit meetings are scheduled for Sundays at 8 p.m. on the third floor of East River Hall.

While a student herself at Bluefield University, Parker participated in a Bible study that she says changed her life.

“When I was a student here from 2014 to 2017, two incredible women, Beth Walker (the football coach’s wife at the time) and Bev White (Professor Shawn White’s wife), started a women’s Bible study called Pursuit,” Parker said. “That group had a profound impact on my life, providing community, encouragement, and spiritual growth.”

Something she says she felt herself called to lead when she returned to campus as an employee.

“When I returned to campus this summer as an employee, I felt a deep desire to be part of something similar and help create that same opportunity for other women,” Parker said.

And what the “same opportunity” called for? Some help from some of Bluefield’s current students. 

“I wanted this group to be a space where women from all walks of campus life — regardless of their major, sport, or organization — could come together in friendship and fellowship,” Parker continued. “Having students lead the group ensures that they have a voice in shaping it to meet their needs and create meaningful connections. Working alongside these amazing women to build this community has been such a rewarding experience. It’s been incredible to see their passion, ideas, and leadership come to life.”

Though Pursuit is a revival of the same Bible study Parker participated in from 2014-2017, the group will need to lay some groundwork, which Parker is happy to be a part of.

“This semester is all about getting the group started and building a strong foundation,” Parker said. “In the future, each semester will have a theme, but our goal goes beyond just Bible study. We want to incorporate activities that bring women together in a fun and supportive way. Ultimately, we want to create a safe space where women can encourage and uplift one another.”

Meetings will take place every Sunday at 8 p.m. on the third floor of East River Hall. All female students are welcome to join. 

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