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BU Theatre to Present Fiddler on the Roof: 20 Year Anniversary

Communications and Business • 2027

Photos courtesy of BU Theatre

Charles and Rebecca Reese have been teaching theatre at Bluefield University for 24 years and have shared many stories through theatrical productions in this time. One story that has left a lasting impact is Fiddler on the Roof.

Fiddler on the Roof is a story about a Jewish family living in a small Russian town, Anatevka, during the turn of the 20th century. According to Charles Reese, this is a story about “coping with change and the end of a way of life.”

The story is told through the main characters of husband and wife, Tevye and Godle, and their three daughters, Tzeitel, Hodel, and Chava. While all marriages are typically arranged marriages, each daughter goes an untraditional route in search for love.

Charles shared that this story “tells a lot about perseverance and going on in the face of difficulty” it is also a story about “the strength of community.” He shared that “It is a fun show, but it is a show with antisemitism, prejudice, and oppression, and it is the positive light that the characters find through it all that is the uplifting part of the show.”

Charles has had the honor of playing Tevye three times before. Rebecca has played the part of Golde twice before, both times alongside her husband and coworker Charles. The first time Fiddler on the Roof was brought to the stage at Bluefield University was in 2005, meaning that this year marks the 20th anniversary of Charles and Rebecca’s performance together as Tevye and Golde.

Charles shared that they are putting much more emphasis on dance in this production compared to their 2005 production. He shared that there are some interesting challenges in this show because of the dances. However, those challenges are being handled gracefully by BU alumni Ashley Rose Burton-Pruitt, who is choreographing the show.

This production has a large cast of around 45 cast members—some students and some community members. Charles believes that it is a strong cast that has worked hard to be where they are. While the recent weather in Bluefield has made it difficult to stay in rehearsals, the cast has put in the time and effort to make sure that they are ready to present their work to an audience.

There will be four opportunities to see the show between March 13th and 16th. With less than a month till they open, you will want to get your tickets to see Bluefield University’s production of Fiddler on the Roof at

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