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BU Music Department Changing its Tempo

Graphic Communications • 2028

Bluefield University recently welcomed Dr. Jermey and Melissa Yowell full time to the BU Music Department. The two have stepped up and quickly steered the department back on track with big plans to strengthen and grow the music and art scene on campus and in the community.

The hiring of the Yowells full time comes in the wake of the departure of music professor Dr. Mark Milburger at the end of the fall 2024 semester. Dr. Milburger’s departure left many students in the Music Department wondering, “who will teach my classes?”

Mrs. Yowell is already familiar to Bluefield from her work playing piano in the chapel. In addition to being a part-time adjunct instructor, she has been giving piano lessons on campus for the past six years through the Fine Arts Community School (FACS). This program offers private lessons on campus taught by professional musicians and teachers. Mrs. Yowell will also be accompanying the Masterworks Chorale and student recitals with her skills on piano.

Her experience and pre-established connection to a few students have allowed her to transition into the role easily and even given her more freedom with her ability to schedule meetings and work with students.

“It’s been nice to have more flexibility with teaching, and I love to teach; I love to teach it all,” Mrs. Yowell said. “The little ones and the college-age. — I like that broad range of teaching.”

Where Mrs. Yowell has been a somewhat recognizable face to many students in the Music Department, not as many people are familiar with her husband, Dr. Yowell. Bluefield’s other newest music professor started teaching a music appreciation class as an adjunct last semester and now holds the official title of Visiting Professor of Church Music and Worship Arts. On top of teaching music theory and music appreciation, Dr. Yowell has become the director of the Praise Band and Masterworks Chorale.

Despite this only being his second semester at BU, Dr. Yowell has already made an effort to establish connections with his students.

“I think young people are resilient, especially music students,” Dr. Yowell said. “I mean, they’re up to a challenge. Music is challenging; it’s a hard major. They have a lot of credit hours; they have a lot of practice hours and rehearsal hours outside of a normal school schedule, so I think they are used to being resilient.”

So, how are the students adjusting? While it has only been a few weeks into the semester, the Yowells say that “youth are resilient” especially the students they teach. Students in the arts have to be resilient in their fields, and nobody knows this better than the Yowells, which shows. Many students have voiced how much they enjoy the Yowells’ classes and lessons.

“They are personable and are excellent teachers,” said Blake Carter, an applied music piano major. Fellow music student and music education major Ashton Bucklen described the Yowells as “a power couple that brings professionalism and care to the Music Department.”

The Yowells say they have felt very welcomed by the students. One of the biggest concerns the department faced was finding someone to direct not only the Praise Band but also BU choirs, including the select student ensemble Variations and the campus-community Masterworks Chorale. This semester, there was not enough interest to organize a Variations ensemble; however, the Yowells have found a silver lining in that they have much more time to invest into Masterworks.

Masterworks is not only open to students, but also community members. The Yowells plan to grow the choir as much as possible to bolster support for the campus and the community of Bluefield as a whole. In Dr. Yowell’s words, they wish to “reignite a vision for music” within the community. The Yowells have big plans for Masterworks and will hold a concert near the end of the 2025 spring semester. On top of all that, the Yowells are helping with the upcoming spring musical. Choirs, classes, musicals, and more; if it’s in the arts, the Yowells are sure to be a part of it.

Photo provided by Rampage student photographer Talan Poe.

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