Academic Advising: Navigating the Path to Success

How Students and Advisors Collaborate for a Brighter Future
At Bluefield University, academic advising is a cornerstone of student success, offering a range of benefits and providing crucial support to students.
The primary objectives of academic advising at Bluefield University are course selection, support for students in various aspects, and career preparation. Together, students and advisors work as a team to ensure that students are on track to graduate and well-prepared for their future careers.
Academic advising at Bluefield University goes beyond the mere task of choosing courses. It aims to provide a comprehensive and supportive experience for students. Wayne Pelts, assistant director of the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE), spoke about the importance of preparedness and proactive engagement.
“Students can make the most of their interactions with the academic advising department by coming prepared, looking in advance at what is being offered, and anticipating potential scheduling complexities,” Pelts said.
Pelts recommended that students build a strong relationship with their advisors as these advisors play a pivotal role in a student’s academic journey.
“Their advisor is going to be the one that makes sure a student graduates on time and can also help them beyond graduation in many ways,” Pelts said. “They can look back on their college years and just know that person always had their back.”
Academic advising serves a dual purpose. It ensures that students are on the right path to graduation, and it provides students with a dedicated advisor who helps them stay connected to the university. This connection is invaluable, especially for students who may not have an innate affiliation with the institution.
“Advisors also help students connect with their future profession,” said Dr. Shawn White, assistant professor of Christian studies and an academic advisor, “as the advisor is often the one who writes recommendation letters and helps prepare students for graduation.”
Bluefield University students are required to meet with their advisors at least once a semester. Additionally, there is a two-week advising period during which advisors contact students on their lists, encouraging them to make appointments for advising. The university organizes an event known as the Academic Advising Brunch, where departments meet with their students to explain how advising works and to ensure that students are prepared for advising sessions.
“My academic advisor has been my guiding light throughout my college journey,” said BU senior Drake Cullens. “They helped me choose the right major, select classes that align with my goals, and encouraged me to pursue internships and research opportunities. I wouldn’t be where I am today without their support.”
Bluefield University is committed to accommodating and assisting students in various ways through academic advising. The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) has become a vital resource for many students, according to Joslyn Evans, a BU student and work-study at the ACE. The presence of dedicated tutors in the ACE makes it a convenient resource for students seeking academic support.
“The ACE Center is the go-to place for students seeking help with academic advising,” Evans said. “Students can find Dr. Darrin Martin and Mr. Wayne Pelts, who are the head directors of academic advising. They are always available to assist students with academic advising, homework problems, and tutoring.”
In the traditional classroom setting, faculty members are the academic advisors for students. However, in the online landscape, student success chancellors take on the role of academic advising.
“Student success chancellors primarily focus on helping students get into courses and serve as student success advocates,” Dr. White said. “They build relationships with students to ensure they don’t encounter problems. This role differs from that of academic advisors, as it focuses more on guiding students through the course enrollment process rather than long-term career planning.”
Academic advising at Bluefield University offers students a collaborative and holistic approach to their academic journey. With dedicated advisors, academic support resources, and a commitment to student success, Bluefield University ensures that students receive the guidance they need to thrive in their educational and future professional pursuits.