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Hoch Wins Rampage Scavenger Hunt and $50 Amazon Gift Card

Communication • 2024

Jared Hoch is the winner of the Rampage Snapshot Scavenger Hunt and a $50 Amazon gift card. Hoch was the first Bluefield University student to complete all the missions of the scavenger hunt and report his findings to Professor Chris Shoemaker, faculty advisor for the Rampage.

To win the scavenger hunt, participants had to analyze hidden clues provided by the Rampage to find answers to five separate missions in the November 2022 Rampage magazine. Once each mission was completed, participants had to take a picture of themselves completing the task. Once all missions were complete, students had to find Professor Shoemaker to show him the photos from their adventures.

Hoch (pictured right) finished the scavenger hunt first to claim the winning prize, a $50 Amazon gift card, presented to him by Rampage staff member Andrew LaPan (pictured left).

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