Get Involved in Clubs on Campus

There are many exciting things to do at Bluefield University. If the small campus and small class sizes leave students wanting more, then consider joining a club on campus. BU offers a variety of clubs and organizations students can be a part of.
BU Student Ministries is a great place to start. It’s an organization that allows students to connect spiritually and to build exceptional relationships. Campus Minister Mason West oversees Student Ministries. Students interested in discovering and carrying out God’s plan for their life and the world can find friendship at BUSM. Through Student Ministries, students can participate in Bible studies, outreach initiatives, and other ministry activities. There is a place for anyone in chapel, Elevate, or small groups studies. Reach out to West for more information:
The Student Activities Leadership Team (SALT) is a great club to be connected to for on-campus events and activities. Students may participate in new and exciting events, thanks to SALT and a dynamic organization focused on students. SALT organizes and manages free or inexpensive events for all students to enjoy. SALT is committed to ensuring these programs are of the highest caliber, original, and varied. The benefits of joining SALT are that you get the inside scoop on activities happening on campus and the opportunity to actively participate in campus events such as Homecoming, Winter Solace, and Mud Pig Day. In addition, students can network and make connections with local businesses and other departments on campus and develop your event planning skills. Contact Student Life representative Christ Johnson for more information:
To the surprise of many, BU offers Greek organizations on campus. Alpha Delta Sorority and Beta Chi Delta Fraternity are two Greek groups approved by Bluefield University. According to University leaders, Greek life can add something worthwhile to college life. Any undergraduate student may join these two groups, regardless of major. The groups frequently fund charitable endeavors, participate in intramural athletics, and plan get-togethers as well as other initiatives.
Do you enjoy being outdoors? BU is conveniently located near excellent canoeing, kayaking, fishing, snow skiing/boarding, rappelling, white-water rafting, rock climbing, and hiking in the Appalachian Mountains. In fact, the Appalachian Outdoor Club is one of the most well-liked clubs on campus. The Outdoor Club allows students to explore and take in the breathtaking mountains surrounding campus. In addition to maintaining the campus trails, students in the Outdoor Club go hiking, camping, bicycling, spelunking, canoeing, and rafting. Everyone who is a part of the university community is welcome to take part. Contact Johnson for more information:

Finally, the Concert Band is a great opportunity for students to express their creative talents. The Concert Band, under the direction of Dr. Andrew Necessary, plays at campus and neighborhood events. Instrumentalists with high school band experience or an equivalent qualification are eligible. No application is necessary. Contact Dr. Necessary for more information:
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