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Dr. Darrin Martin: Guiding BU Students to Success

Graphic Communications • 2022

Bluefield University’s Dr. Darrin Martin is a very important person to know for academic needs. As dean of academic success and director of the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE), Dr. Martin is always striving to help improve students’ success in the classroom by providing them with the support and understanding they need.

A Bluefield native, Dr. Martin attended Bluefield State College where he earned an associate’s degree in mechanical engineering and a bachelor’s degree in math education. He went on to earn a master’s degree in educational leadership from Radford University and a doctorate in educational leadership and policy studies from Virginia Tech.

After college, Dr. Martin became a teacher and administrator for Tazewell County Schools. Later, he served as an associate professor at Concord University and then a school improvement specialist for the West Virginia Department of Education. His experience also includes self-employment as an educational consultant.

After talking with Bluefield University’s Dr. Marshall Flowers, provost and chief academic officer, about the roles and responsibilities of BU’s dean of academic success, Dr. Martin decided to join the BU family. His goal since coming to Bluefield in the fall of 2019 has been to ensure that BU students received the support services they need to enhance their learning.

“As an educator, I know the value of an education and have an earnest desire to help all students succeed,” Dr. Martin said. “The purpose of my work at Bluefield is to ensure that students have the resources necessary to matriculate through college and graduate successfully.”

In just two years time, Dr. Martin has shown through his actions that he wants to provide support to BU students. He pushes them to strive to reach their highest academic potential. He helps students with time management, organizational skills, developing effective study habits, and employing different learning styles. He also provides academic counseling and arranges tutors.

And while helping students succeed is Dr. Martin’s desire, achieving that goal is not always as easy as it seems. In fact, he said the most challenging aspect of his work is not being able to control every situation.

“It would be great if students followed the blueprint we provided them to graduate,” Dr. Martin said. “It would also be nice if they listened and made the appropriate audible after a mistake. Unfortunately, we can only provide students with the processes and strategies needed to succeed. It is their responsibility to implement them.”

Dr. Martin noted other challenges to his work, but said those challenges are overcomable when everyone works together. That’s why, he said, the African Proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child,” is so true.

“The most rewarding aspect of this work is when every stakeholder is actively engaged in assisting students to achieve their goals,” Dr. Martin said. “This sense of reward is magnified when we (the stakeholder) do not allow policies and practices to hinder us from doing what is best for students.”

There is no doubt Dr. Martin’s impact has been felt by students. His character and effort never waver, and he’s a valuable addition to the BU staff.

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