Question of the Week: The COVID Vaccine

It has been a few months since the COVID-19 vaccine was released, and millions of vaccines have been given around the United States in an effort to help slow down the spread of the coronavirus. We asked Bluefield College students to share their opinions about the vaccine. Specifically, we asked: “Have you had or do you plan to get the COVID vaccine? Why or Why not?”
Anthony Durham, Criminal Justice
I am planning to get the COVID vaccine. Many jobs and the career path that I chose require me to get the vaccine. I also want to be able to keep myself safe, as well as others around me. I feel like it’s important for others to do their research to have a better understanding of the vaccine and see if they are at risk of any other health issues if receiving the vaccine.
Emma Hyatt, English Education
I do not plan to get the vaccine. I feel like it needs more time to be developed before getting it in your body system and that it should not be forced on others because of the information I’ve heard about the shot causing infertility issues. People should be able to have a choice to receive the vaccine. After the recent recall of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, I feel uncomfortable about getting the vaccine.
Claire Fingerlin, Graphic Communication
I have not received the COVID vaccine. I am hesitant to get the vaccine currently due to not knowing the side effects it may cause. I am eagerly researching the companies offering the vaccine to decide about being vaccinated.
Elise Clary, Undecided
I recently went to the Chuck Mathena Center and received my first shot for the Moderna COVID vaccine. It was available through my mother’s workplace, and I am so glad that I am vaccinated! I am starting to feel more comfortable in public places and don’t have to worry about making anybody sick. I didn’t want to get the vaccine initially, as I have heard of cases where your body rejects the vaccine. But I know the severity of the virus and want to reduce the possibility of spreading it.
Matt Mainville, Psychology
I am planning on getting the vaccine. The vaccine will be beneficial and will be needed when I go on my cruise trip in December. This shot will also allow me to be able to work in person instead of remotely.
What are your thoughts about the COVID vaccine? Share your comments below.