Spring Break is Important.

This semester, our spring break was first combined with Easter break and then taken away all together. Admittedly, I was very disappointed that our break was taken away. However, I recognize that this was deemed necessary by people wiser than I and was due to the pandemic, but I fear what the consequences may be for future years. Will colleges, now that they have once done it, continue to not have a spring break? I hope not. Spring break is important, not only for the students, but for the professors, as well. I know that I am not the only one feeling more burned out than normal.
The first reason having a spring break is implied in the name; students need a break. You could argue that since mid-term tests and projects are often due right before or after the break that students always end up working over the break. The main difference being on break gives students is that they are not also simultaneously going to class and doing the weekly homework and readings most classes require. Having extra hours in the day to focus on studying and working on mid-terms allows for better results. Additionally, students get a break from bearing the burden of laundry and deciding dinner. The exact extent of this varies from student to student. For me, not having to decide the what and when of dinner and having help with my laundry is a break I look forward to.
A second reason spring break is important for students is that they get to go home. For those who live relatively close to home, this is a less pressing issue. But for those of us who live too far away to go home over the weekends, this is the only time we will likely see our family and friends at home. It is true that college friends are an important part of the student support system. However, there is a special charm (at least for me) to sitting around your family dinner table talking and playing games just like you used to. Wherever you go on spring break, whether home or a vacation place, is also likely a very different environment than the college. This change can be rejuvenating mentally, especially when dealing with creativity.
I know as a senior that the spring semester is always harder than the fall semester. This makes it even more important to have a break.