Students Earn Placement on Fall ’20 President’s and Dean’s Lists

Bluefield College students endured a challenging semester in the fall of 2020, thanks to the difficulties of COVID-19, but many of those students showed great persistence by earning placement on the fall 2020 President’s and Dean’s lists.
In an interview with The Rampage, Dr. Marshall Flowers, vice president for Academic Affairs, spoke about the work that goes into making these lists and the effects the pandemic has had on academic achievement.
Kassidy Brown, Communications, 2022
What does it mean to be on the Dean’s or President’s list?
Dr. Marshall Flowers, VP of Academic Affairs
It is the semester grade point average achievement for students. You must get a 3.5 to 3.8 to achieve the Dean’s List and a 3.9 to 4.0 to get on the President’s List.
Kassidy Brown, Communications, 2022
How do you think the pandemic has affected these lists?
Dr. Marshall Flowers, VP of Academic Affairs
I thought it would have a dramatic effect, but it had the same numbers as we’ve had in the past.
Kassidy Brown, Communications, 2022
Is there anything you would like to say to students to encourage them to keep working hard?
Dr. Marshall Flowers, VP of Academic Affairs
Each semester we have a reception to honor the achievers, but we’ve not been able to do so because of the pandemic. We really appreciate the students’ continuous hard work.
Congratulations to the following students who earned placement on the President’s List:
Karley Akers
Arissa Anderson
John Balthaser
Ashley Bauer
Gavin Bauer
Ashleigh Baughan
Candace Bean
Teresa Beard
Alison Blankenship
Clara Blevins
Sarah Boggs
Hunter Bowers
Angelina Bragg
Lauren Brewster
Kaylyn Bridges
Chad Brown
Emma-Grace Brown
Kassidy Brown
Megan Brown
Michelle Bryant
James Burcham
Lauren Butler
Gage Chambers
Elise Clary
Marisa Clifton
Lillian Comer
Victoria Corner
Mason Cox
Taylor Cramer
Savannah Dame
Christine Davenport
Angelashley Diaz
Kimberly Dye
Jonathan Edmonds
Victoria Edwards
Sarah Essic
Lauren Ezzyk
Julie Farmer
Keirstan Farmer
Brandi Feher
Brian Fisher
Anna Flinchum
Kellie Flinchum
Shade Fraierson
Cameron Gasperson
Timothy Gasperson
Shelrita Goode
James Grayson
Amy Greenfield
Jessica Grubb
Brittany Guinn
Emily Harper
Malissa Hartwell
Dreama Hatcher
Amy Havens
Corey Honaker
Laura Horton
Rebecca Isom
Michaela Jackson
Noah Jennings
Jessica Jones
Rebecca Jones
Ashley Keene
Laura Kimzey
Kenzie Lambert
April Larck
Scarlet Lester
Canaan Looney
Emily Lovern
Staley Lyle
Abigail Martin
Chelsea Martin
Macy Martin
Cody McBride
Benjamin Meade
Gabrielle Melick
Jake Mendoza
Annalisa Merkle
Maddison Miller
Noah Moler
Carolyn Moss
Vanessa Mullenaux
William Mullins
Kyle Neal
Kaylei Newman
Brooke Osborne
Phillip Parris
Chanta Person
JoCinda Phillips
Jamie Picot
Tanya Pinette
Abigail Ragan
Clarence Randall
Sarah Rea
Carson Richardson
Isaiah Rife
Ashley Riley
Laurel Romano
Skye’ Royal
Lesley Sanchez
Noel Saunders
Corinn Seely
Brent Shelton
Lovevette Sheppard
Brandon Shields
Tori Sisk
Kody Sjoholm-Gardere
Neisha Smith
Andre Souza Avila Amaral
Ethan Stinson
Alexandra Stout
Taylyn Strange
Toni Thomas
Jocilyn Thompson
Alysia Townsley
Deborah Tung
Kathleen Van Nostrand
DeJean Walker
Angela Weis
Abigail Wellman
Aubri Whatcott
Brooklynn Whitaker
Mary White
Stephanie Whited
Myesha Wilkerson
Caleb Williams
Victor Yamada
Luke Young.
Congratulations to the following students who earned placement on the fall 2020 Dean’s List:
Aaron Addair
David Adkins
Whitney Alford
Grecia Almandoz
Claudia Aquino
Amber Ashton
Brandon Barker
Dustin Barker
Ana Gabriela Barros
Abigail Belcher
Colton Bochtler
Kathryn Bradley
Emily Breeding
Jacob Brooks
Cynthia Brown
Samantha Brown
Viola Brown
Devin Calloway
Ty Campbell
Tri’Mayal Cash
Makayla Castle
Ashley Christian
Laken Chronister
Cierra Cook
Morgan Coulter
Emma Crawford
Davis Crenshaw
Aspen Cruise
Drake Cullens
Carrie Damron
Janet Deel
Samantha Dickens
Kaitlyn Dillon
Jason Downs
Alisa Duncan
Taylor Dunford
Anthony Durham
Sarah Dusse
Brandy Ferguson
Claire Fingerlin
Abby Flinchum
Leslie Flores
Tanner Gordon
Lindsay Gray
Michael Gutu
Amber Hampton
Joseph Haner
Alexandria Harmon
LaWanda Harper
Dejionna Harris
Channing Harrison
Quintez Harrison
David Hash
Peyton Haston
Laura Heldreth
Connie Hensley
Madalyn Holdren
Andreas Holtzer
Evan Hornsby
Sianna Howell
Emma Hyatt
Rachel Jenkins
Keenma Jones
Olivia Kinser
Samuel Kirtley
Elizabeth Koranek
Faith Lamberth
Cadence Lampp
Charlotte Lane
Sarah LaPrade
Garret Leland
Eligha Lewis
Charles Lowe
Jessica Lowry
Jennifer Mallea
Gabriel Marinho de Queiroz
Antonio Martin
Brandon Martin
Trey Martin
Evan Matlick
Ian Matullo
Caleb Maurer
Parker Mays
Abigail McComas
Makenzie McKern
Gabriel McReynolds
David Meech
Osvaldo Millet
Colby Mutter
Joshua Nelson
Collin ODonnell
Lowell Patron
Elishia Pena
Leah Plott
Brianna Poole
Ericka Porterfield
Collis Pride
Sarah Ratcliff
Noah Reynolds
Hannah Rice
Amy Richardson
Brett Riffe
Jakelyne Rivera-Panuco
Jessica Robinson
Katelyn Robinson
Alexia Rowe
Tessa Saiia
Madison Sandifer
Elizabeth Scales
Kayla Scrotsky
Anjelle Sherman
Hannah Shockley
Hope Shortridge
Bryce Shortt
João Victor Silva
Zachary Silver
Katherine Smith
Latifah Smith
Amy Sowers
Paige Spade
Darian Spaulding
Kelly Stacy
Joshua Stanley
Brandy Steele
Josie Stevenson
Harleigh Stillwell
Deana Stinson
Coy Stoots
Ethan Stout
Jessica Street
Ian Sumrall
Taryn Terpsma
Hannah Thacker
Madison Thompson
Melissa Tibbs
Noah Trogdon
Emilee VanDyke
Francisco Vasquez
Connor Vencill
Jaime Vest
Pedro Visacro
Jessica Wells
Mason West
Ellison Wiley
Toria Wilkerson
Hannah Willard
Latrice Williams
Lavonne Williams
DaMarcus Wimbush
Meghan Woody
Caleb Word
Anna Workman
Garrett Wright
Grant Wright
Morgan Wylie
Ethan Young.