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Phonathon Benefits Current and Former BC Students

Communication • 2021

Every spring semester, the Bluefield College Office of Institutional Advancement hosts its annual Phonathon, which is designed to raise funds for the school, but has many other benefits, as well.

Responsible for public relations, alumni relations and development, the Office of Institutional Advancement raises money for the college and also builds mutually beneficial relationships with alumni and friends. Among the office’s many planned fundraising campaigns and events is the annual Phonathon, designed to solicit contributions to the BC Fund, which provides operating resources to the college and scholarships and other support and services to BC students.

Current BC students are recruited in the fall to participate in the spring Phonathon. Once selected, the students call thousands of alumni and friends. They are paid an hourly wage to call from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays in hopes of receiving donations to support the BC Fund.

“The experience is fun,” said one Phonathon caller. “You get to have conversations with some of the most interesting people. Alumni that graduated from about 40 years ago love to hear how current college student life is, and once you get that donation, it is all worth the 10-minute phone call.”

According to other callers, depending on the night some alumni may not want to give. Sometimes the hang up on callers or simply don’t answer the phone.

“The hardest thing about Phonathon is trying to get people to donate money,” said caller Megan Brandl, “especially after you’ve already asked them about three times and they still say ‘no.'”

In addition to raising money for the college and students, the Phonathon has other benefits. During their calls with alumni, students collect current contact information and share campus updates with alumni, particularly those who don’t use social media.

“Calling alumni is great way for (alumni) to stay in touch with the current students of the school,” said Nicole Kaklis, director of alumni relations and annual fund giving. “Some don’t have social media, and this is a way to keep them updated.”

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