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Willie Making the Best of Opportunities at Bluefield College

Communication • 2022

Freshman Jeree Willie is making the best of his new opportunities at Bluefield College after overcoming challenges in the classroom and injuries on the football field to earn a scholarship to play for the Rams.

Originally from Bladensburg, Maryland, Willie moved to Columbia, Maryland, to get away from crime and a negative environment and to be a part of a better school system. Not long after the move, he started playing football.

“In the ninth grade I started attending Long Reach High where I started (on the varsity football team) three out of my four years there, and I would eventually be a captain,” said Willie. “Junior year I started to get a lot of coaches recruiting me and a lot of recognition around the county.”

By the time he was a senior, Willie was recognized as one of the best players on his football team and arguably the best defensive back on the squad.

“Week three, I, unfortunately, rolled my ankle causing me not to play the same,” said Willie about a difficult injury he suffered his senior year. “So, I ended up with one (scholarship) offer (from Bluefield College), and a lot of interest if I could get my grades up.”

In addition to the challenging injury, Willie admittedly was not the best student in high school. But now as a freshman at Bluefield College, he’s looking forward to second chances and new opportunities with BC and the Rams football team. He’s also adjusting to an environment in rural Bluefield that doesn’t offer the same level of activity he’s used to having at home.

“Life at Bluefield is very much different from life back home,” he said, “simply because at home I always had something to do with friends, family, and my girlfriend.”

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