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Pro Athlete Toughness Trainer Speaks for Homecoming Chapel

Communication • 2021

As part of Homecoming 2018 at Bluefield College, alumnus Dr. Spencer Wood came back to his alma mater to serve as guest speaker for Homecoming Chapel where he shared with students a testimony of why he chose to incorporate God into his life.

Dr. Wood is the founder and president of Icebox Athlete, an internationally known company that works with athletes on developing their mental skills, toughness, speed, agility, and quickness. An author, teacher and speaker, Dr. Wood has worked with Olympic athletes and players and teams from the National Basketball Association, the National Football League, Major League Baseball, and the power conferences of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

In addition to his work with Icebox Athlete, he is a staff psychologist for the MLB’s Detroit Tigers. A 1997 Bluefield College business graduate and former captain of the BC men’s varsity basketball team and a member of the men’s varsity soccer squad, Dr. Wood told students during the Homecoming Chapel that his success in athletics did not come easy.

“I wasn’t born a great athlete,” Dr. Wood said. “I had to work really hard, and because I didn’t have the gifts that some athletes had, I read a lot.”

He read about mental skills training most of the time, and from his reading he came to the realization that a career in this subject area was what he wanted to pursue. Yet, his testimony to students was less about his career accomplishments and more about why he’s doing what he’s been doing for 18 years. His faith, something he found while a student at Bluefield College, he said, is what motivates him in all aspects of life. He challenged students who had not yet accepted Christ to do so sooner rather than later.

“There may have been a few people that needed to hear it, just as I needed it back then,” said Dr. Wood about his challenge to BC students.

From being a confused college student to now earning accolades from the NBA and MLB, Dr. Wood set out to inspire student-athletes to rise up and become the best version of themselves. He also spoke of the opportunity to return to his alma mater and the things he missed most from his college years.

“I know this sounds canned or something I’m supposed to say, but this is home away from home,” said Dr. Wood about his alma mater. “I miss the people, I miss my teammates, and I miss the good times and the struggles, the laughter and the tears.”

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