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Activities Planned to Engage and Entertain Students in 2018-2019

Graphic Communication • 2021

A variety of on-campus activities are available for Bluefield College students during the 2018-2019 school year.

Bluefield College’s director of student engagement, Anne Pelchar, recently provided information about the different opportunities in which students can participate throughout the year.

“The SALT (Student Activities Leadership Team) group is still determining what campus events we are going to plan for this year,” said Pelchar. “During Homecoming, we will have the Homecoming Dance on Friday night, a panel with alumni and students, a bonfire after the football game, and lunch with professors.”

Pelchar added that Homecoming, November 2-4, is also Family Weekend. Students are encouraged to invite their families to campus to participate in activities that weekend.

“Parents can buy meal tickets and can also eat with the professors and President David Olive,” she said.

Pelchar also mentioned the traditional event called Winter Solace Day, which occurs just before final exams in December.

“It will be held in the Student Activities Center with a bunch of activities all day,” said Pelchar, “which include things like cookie decorating, games, and crafty projects.”

When it comes to planning student activities Pelchar said that it is, “important to think about the population of students you have, their interests, what type of students we have on campus, where they’re from, what they might be interested in, as well as events that help them and give them elements that they like with a combination of things they might need.”

Planning events, she added, takes a lot of effort and involves a variety of components, including coming up with ideas for events and determining what activities will be included and where and when the activities will be.

“It involves a lot of planning and thinking through all the processes,” she said.

In addition, Pelchar mentioned another traditional event, Mud Pig Day, an occasion that culminates and celebrates the end of the academic year in the spring just before final exams.

“Mud Pig Day is the most exciting of all the events,” said Pelchar. “I have heard that from a bunch of students.”

Her hope is that maybe another event will be the most exciting in the future.

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